Islamic Prayer Times in Okotoks, AB, Canada

Today: May 16, 2024, 1:55 pm
Calculation Method: Islamic Society of North America, Juristic settings: Shafii
Fajr 03:31 am Dawn 05:44 am Morning Sunrise Shuruk Dhuhr 01:32 pm Noon Asr 05:45 pm Afternoon Maghrib 09:22 pm Evening Sunset Isha 11:35 pm Night

Islamic Prayer Times in Okotoks, AB, Canada

Today: May 16, 2024, 1:55 pm
Calculation Method: Islamic Society of North America, Juristic settings: Shafii
Fajr 03:31 am Dawn Shuruk 05:44 am Morning Sunrise Dhuhr 01:32 pm Noon Asr 05:45 pm Afternoon Maghrib 09:22 pm Evening Sunset Isha 11:35 pm Night
Home / Canada / Okotoks, AB

If you're a devoted muslim and always try to perform your Namaz at the right time of the day - you've come to the right place. Our portal is devoted to help muslims around the world to navigate the modern lifestyle, practice islam effectively and perform Salat at the right time no matter the location. On this page you will find accurate Salah time in Okotoks, AB, Canada for each day of the month. We calculate the prayer times according to the position of the sun in the sky and by taking into these Okotoks, AB, Canada coordinates (51, -113.974928).

Namaz times for Okotoks, AB

Date FAJR Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
May 1 04:13 am 06:08 am 01:33 pm 05:36 pm 08:59 pm 10:54 pm
May 2 04:11 am 06:06 am 01:33 pm 05:36 pm 09:00 pm 10:56 pm
May 3 04:08 am 06:04 am 01:33 pm 05:37 pm 09:02 pm 10:59 pm
May 4 04:05 am 06:03 am 01:33 pm 05:38 pm 09:04 pm 11:02 pm
May 5 04:02 am 06:01 am 01:33 pm 05:38 pm 09:05 pm 11:04 pm
May 6 03:59 am 05:59 am 01:32 pm 05:39 pm 09:07 pm 11:07 pm
May 7 03:57 am 05:57 am 01:32 pm 05:39 pm 09:08 pm 11:10 pm
May 8 03:54 am 05:56 am 01:32 pm 05:40 pm 09:10 pm 11:12 pm
May 9 03:51 am 05:54 am 01:32 pm 05:41 pm 09:11 pm 11:15 pm
May 10 03:48 am 05:53 am 01:32 pm 05:41 pm 09:13 pm 11:18 pm
May 11 03:45 am 05:51 am 01:32 pm 05:42 pm 09:14 pm 11:21 pm
May 12 03:43 am 05:49 am 01:32 pm 05:42 pm 09:16 pm 11:23 pm
May 13 03:40 am 05:48 am 01:32 pm 05:43 pm 09:17 pm 11:26 pm
May 14 03:37 am 05:46 am 01:32 pm 05:44 pm 09:19 pm 11:29 pm
May 15 03:34 am 05:45 am 01:32 pm 05:44 pm 09:20 pm 11:32 pm
May 16 03:31 am 05:44 am 01:32 pm 05:45 pm 09:22 pm 11:35 pm
May 17 03:29 am 05:42 am 01:32 pm 05:45 pm 09:23 pm 11:37 pm
May 18 03:26 am 05:41 am 01:32 pm 05:46 pm 09:25 pm 11:40 pm
May 19 03:23 am 05:40 am 01:32 pm 05:46 pm 09:26 pm 11:43 pm
May 20 03:20 am 05:38 am 01:33 pm 05:47 pm 09:27 pm 11:46 pm
May 21 03:18 am 05:37 am 01:33 pm 05:47 pm 09:29 pm 11:49 pm
May 22 03:15 am 05:36 am 01:33 pm 05:48 pm 09:30 pm 11:52 pm
May 23 03:12 am 05:35 am 01:33 pm 05:49 pm 09:31 pm 11:55 pm
May 24 03:10 am 05:34 am 01:33 pm 05:49 pm 09:33 pm 11:58 pm
May 25 03:07 am 05:33 am 01:33 pm 05:50 pm 09:34 pm 12:00 am
May 26 03:04 am 05:32 am 01:33 pm 05:50 pm 09:35 pm 12:03 am
May 27 03:02 am 05:31 am 01:33 pm 05:51 pm 09:36 pm 12:06 am
May 28 02:59 am 05:30 am 01:33 pm 05:51 pm 09:37 pm 12:09 am
May 29 02:56 am 05:29 am 01:33 pm 05:52 pm 09:39 pm 12:12 am
May 30 02:54 am 05:28 am 01:34 pm 05:52 pm 09:40 pm 12:15 am
May 31 02:51 am 05:27 am 01:34 pm 05:52 pm 09:41 pm 12:18 am

A Short History of Islam in Okotoks, AB, Canada

The history of Islam in Okotoks, AB, Canada is not a lengthy one. The first Muslims in the area arrived in the mid 1990s, and since then the Muslim population has slowly grown. Today, there is a vibrant and diverse Muslim community in Okotoks, and the city is home to a number of mosques, Islamic schools, and other religious institutions.

The first Muslims to move to Okotoks were a small group of immigrants from Pakistan, India, and other parts of the Middle East. Over the years, more Muslims have moved to Okotoks, and the city now has a Muslim population of approximately 1,000 people.

In the 2000s, the Muslim population in Okotoks began to grow rapidly. This was due to the influx of refugees from war-torn countries in the Middle East, such as Iraq and Afghanistan. The majority of these refugees were Shia Muslims, and they had a big impact on the growth of the city’s Muslim population.

Today, the Muslim population in Okotoks is diverse and includes people from many different countries and backgrounds. In addition to the Shia and Sunni Muslims, there are also people from different branches of Islam, such as Sufism and Ahmadiyya.

What is the Approximate Population of Muslims in Okotoks, AB, Canada?

According to the most recent census, the approximate population of Muslims in Okotoks, AB, Canada is around 1,000 people. This is a significant increase from the mid 1990s, when the Muslim population in the city was estimated to be around 200 people.

The growth in the Muslim population in Okotoks is largely due to the influx of refugees from the Middle East, who have been arriving in the city since the early 2000s. The majority of these refugees are Shia Muslims, and they have had a big impact on the growth of the Muslim population in the city.

Today, the Muslim population in Okotoks is diverse and includes people from many different countries and backgrounds. In addition to the Shia and Sunni Muslims, there are also people from different branches of Islam, such as Sufism and Ahmadiyya.

When Have the First Muslims Moved to Okotoks, AB, Canada?

The first Muslims to move to Okotoks, AB, Canada arrived in the mid 1990s. At the time, the Muslim population in the city was estimated to be around 200 people. Since then, the Muslim population has grown steadily, and today it is estimated to be around 1,000 people.

The influx of refugees from the Middle East, who have been arriving in the city since the early 2000s, is largely responsible for the growth in the Muslim population in Okotoks. The majority of these refugees are Shia Muslims, and they have had a big impact on the growth of the Muslim population in the city.

What are the Current Demographics of Muslims in Okotoks, AB, Canada?

The current demographics of Muslims in Okotoks, AB, Canada are quite varied. The majority of the Muslim population is comprised of Shia Muslims, who have been arriving in the city since the early 2000s. In addition to the Shia Muslims, there are also Sunni Muslims, Sufi Muslims, and members of other branches of Islam, such as Ahmadiyya.

The majority of the Muslim population in Okotoks consists of immigrants from the Middle East, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. However, there is also a significant number of people from other countries, such as India, Bangladesh, and Somalia.

Overall, the Muslim population in Okotoks is diverse and includes people from many different countries and backgrounds.

Which is More Prominent in Okotoks, AB, Canada – Shia or Sunni Islam?

The majority of the Muslim population in Okotoks, AB, Canada is comprised of Shia Muslims. This is largely due to the influx of refugees from the Middle East, who have been arriving in the city since the early 2000s.

However, there is also a significant number of Sunni Muslims in the city, as well as members of other branches of Islam, such as Sufism and Ahmadiyya. Overall, the Muslim population in Okotoks is quite diverse and includes people from many different countries and backgrounds.

What are the Main Mosques in Okotoks, AB, Canada?

Okotoks, AB, Canada is home to a number of mosques, Islamic schools, and other religious institutions. The two main mosques in the city are the Okotoks Islamic Centre and the Al-Noor Mosque.

The Okotoks Islamic Centre is the largest mosque in the city and is the main gathering place for the Shia Muslim community. The mosque features a large prayer hall, a library, and a number of lecture halls.

The Al-Noor Mosque is the second largest mosque in Okotoks and is the main gathering place for the Sunni Muslim community. The mosque features a large prayer hall, a library, and a number of lecture halls.

In addition to these two main mosques, there are also a number of smaller mosques and Islamic schools scattered throughout the city.


Okotoks, AB, Canada is home to a vibrant and diverse Muslim population. The city is home to a number of mosques, Islamic schools, and other religious institutions, and the Muslim population is comprised of people from many different countries and backgrounds.

The majority of the Muslim population in Okotoks is Shia, but there is also a significant number of Sunni Muslims, as well as members of other branches of Islam, such as Sufism and Ahmadiyya. The two main mosques in the city are the Okotoks Islamic Centre and the Al-Noor Mosque.

Overall, the Muslim population in Okotoks is growing steadily, and the city is home to a vibrant and diverse Muslim community.


What time is Fajr today in Okotoks, AB?

Fajr is at 03:31 am today

When is Shuruq today in Okotoks, AB?

Shuruq starts at 05:44 am today

When does Dhuhr start today?

Dhuhr is at 01:32 pm

What about Asr Salat in Okotoks, AB today?

Asr today starts at 05:45 pm

What time is Maghrib prayer?

Maghrib in Okotoks, AB is at 09:22 pm

What is the Salah time for Isha today?

Isha Salah in Okotoks, AB is at 11:35 pm today

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