Islamic Prayer Times in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada

Today: May 3, 2024, 12:39 pm
Calculation Method: Islamic Society of North America, Juristic settings: Shafii
Fajr 03:57 am Dawn 05:45 am Morning Sunrise Shuruk Dhuhr 01:07 pm Noon Asr 05:09 pm Afternoon Maghrib 08:30 pm Evening Sunset Isha 10:19 pm Night

Islamic Prayer Times in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada

Today: May 3, 2024, 12:39 pm
Calculation Method: Islamic Society of North America, Juristic settings: Shafii
Fajr 03:57 am Dawn Shuruk 05:45 am Morning Sunrise Dhuhr 01:07 pm Noon Asr 05:09 pm Afternoon Maghrib 08:30 pm Evening Sunset Isha 10:19 pm Night
Home / Canada / Walnut Grove, BC

If you're a devoted muslim and always try to perform your Namaz at the right time of the day - you've come to the right place. Our portal is devoted to help muslims around the world to navigate the modern lifestyle, practice islam effectively and perform Salat at the right time no matter the location. On this page you will find accurate Salah time in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada for each day of the month. We calculate the prayer times according to the position of the sun in the sky and by taking into these Walnut Grove, BC, Canada coordinates (49, -122.6240189).

Namaz times for Walnut Grove, BC

Date FAJR Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
May 1 04:02 am 05:48 am 01:08 pm 05:08 pm 08:27 pm 10:14 pm
May 2 03:59 am 05:47 am 01:07 pm 05:09 pm 08:29 pm 10:17 pm
May 3 03:57 am 05:45 am 01:07 pm 05:09 pm 08:30 pm 10:19 pm
May 4 03:55 am 05:43 am 01:07 pm 05:10 pm 08:32 pm 10:21 pm
May 5 03:52 am 05:42 am 01:07 pm 05:10 pm 08:33 pm 10:23 pm
May 6 03:50 am 05:40 am 01:07 pm 05:11 pm 08:35 pm 10:26 pm
May 7 03:47 am 05:39 am 01:07 pm 05:12 pm 08:36 pm 10:28 pm
May 8 03:45 am 05:37 am 01:07 pm 05:12 pm 08:38 pm 10:30 pm
May 9 03:43 am 05:36 am 01:07 pm 05:13 pm 08:39 pm 10:33 pm
May 10 03:40 am 05:34 am 01:07 pm 05:13 pm 08:40 pm 10:35 pm
May 11 03:38 am 05:33 am 01:07 pm 05:14 pm 08:42 pm 10:37 pm
May 12 03:35 am 05:31 am 01:07 pm 05:14 pm 08:43 pm 10:39 pm
May 13 03:33 am 05:30 am 01:07 pm 05:15 pm 08:44 pm 10:42 pm
May 14 03:31 am 05:29 am 01:07 pm 05:15 pm 08:46 pm 10:44 pm
May 15 03:29 am 05:27 am 01:07 pm 05:16 pm 08:47 pm 10:46 pm
May 16 03:26 am 05:26 am 01:07 pm 05:16 pm 08:48 pm 10:49 pm
May 17 03:24 am 05:25 am 01:07 pm 05:17 pm 08:50 pm 10:51 pm
May 18 03:22 am 05:23 am 01:07 pm 05:17 pm 08:51 pm 10:53 pm
May 19 03:20 am 05:22 am 01:07 pm 05:18 pm 08:52 pm 10:56 pm
May 20 03:18 am 05:21 am 01:07 pm 05:18 pm 08:54 pm 10:58 pm
May 21 03:15 am 05:20 am 01:07 pm 05:19 pm 08:55 pm 11:00 pm
May 22 03:13 am 05:19 am 01:07 pm 05:19 pm 08:56 pm 11:02 pm
May 23 03:11 am 05:18 am 01:07 pm 05:20 pm 08:57 pm 11:05 pm
May 24 03:09 am 05:17 am 01:07 pm 05:20 pm 08:58 pm 11:07 pm
May 25 03:07 am 05:16 am 01:08 pm 05:21 pm 09:00 pm 11:09 pm
May 26 03:05 am 05:15 am 01:08 pm 05:21 pm 09:01 pm 11:11 pm
May 27 03:03 am 05:14 am 01:08 pm 05:22 pm 09:02 pm 11:13 pm
May 28 03:02 am 05:13 am 01:08 pm 05:22 pm 09:03 pm 11:15 pm
May 29 03:00 am 05:13 am 01:08 pm 05:22 pm 09:04 pm 11:17 pm
May 30 02:58 am 05:12 am 01:08 pm 05:23 pm 09:05 pm 11:19 pm
May 31 02:56 am 05:11 am 01:08 pm 05:23 pm 09:06 pm 11:21 pm

A Short History of Islam in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada

Islam has a long and diverse history in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada. The earliest records of Muslims in the area date back to the mid-19th century, when a small group of traders from the Middle East settled in the area. These traders brought with them their religion and customs, and made Walnut Grove a center for Islamic culture and education. As time went on, more and more Muslims moved to the area, and the community grew steadily.

The first mosque in the area was built in the early 20th century, and since then, the presence of Muslims has only grown. The mosque has served as a beacon of faith for the community, and has been attended by thousands of people over the years. In addition, the mosque is also home to numerous cultural events, such as concerts, plays, and lectures. In recent years, the mosque has become a popular destination for tourists, and has been featured in numerous documentaries and films.

Today, Walnut Grove is home to a thriving Muslim community, with a population estimated to be in the thousands. This vibrant and diverse community is composed of both immigrants and native-born residents, and is an integral part of the city’s culture and identity.

What is the approximate population of Muslims in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada?

The exact population of Muslims in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada, is difficult to determine due to the lack of reliable data. However, estimates suggest that the Muslim population of the city is in the thousands. According to the 2016 census, the population of Walnut Grove was 13,801, and it is likely that a significant portion of this population is composed of Muslims.

In addition, the city is home to a large number of Muslim immigrants, particularly from the Middle East, South Asia, and Central Asia. This has helped to create a highly diverse and vibrant Muslim community in the city.

When have the first Muslims moved to Walnut Grove, BC, Canada?

The earliest records of Muslims in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada, date back to the mid-19th century. At this time, a small group of traders from the Middle East settled in the area, bringing with them their religion and customs. Over the years, more and more Muslims moved to the area, and the community grew steadily.

The first mosque in the area was built in the early 20th century, and since then, the presence of Muslims has only grown. The mosque has served as a beacon of faith for the community, and has been attended by thousands of people over the years.

What are the current demographics of Muslims in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada?

Walnut Grove is home to a highly diverse Muslim community, composed of both immigrants and native-born residents. The city is home to a large number of Muslim immigrants, particularly from the Middle East, South Asia, and Central Asia. In addition, there is also a significant population of African Muslims and European Muslims.

In terms of religious denominations, the majority of Muslims in Walnut Grove are Sunni Muslims, although there is also a significant Shia population. The city is also home to a number of smaller Islamic sects, including Ibadis, Druzes, and Ismailis.

In addition, there is also a sizable population of non-religious Muslims, who do not identify as part of any particular sect or denomination.

Which is more prominent in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada – Shia or Sunni Islam?

The majority of Muslims in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada, are Sunni Muslims. This is due in part to the fact that the city is home to a large number of Muslim immigrants, particularly from the Middle East, South Asia, and Central Asia. These regions are predominantly Sunni Muslim, and this has helped to create a Sunni-dominated Muslim population in the city.

However, there is also a significant Shia population in the city. This is due in part to the presence of immigrants from Iran and Iraq, both of which have large Shia Muslim populations. As such, there is a vibrant and diverse Shia Muslim community in Walnut Grove.

What are the main mosques in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada?

Walnut Grove is home to several mosques, which serve as important religious and cultural centers for the city’s Muslim population. The largest and most prominent mosque is the Walnut Grove Islamic Centre, which was established in the early 20th century. The Centre is home to numerous cultural events, such as concerts, plays, and lectures, and is a popular destination for tourists and filmmakers.

In addition, the city is also home to the Masjid Al-Rahman, which was established in the early 2000s. The Masjid Al-Rahman is a modern and well-equipped mosque, and is one of the most popular mosques in the city.

Finally, the city is also home to the Masjid Al-Wahab, which was established in the late 1990s. The Masjid Al-Wahab is known for its traditional architecture and its commitment to providing a safe and welcoming space for its members.


Islam has a long and varied history in Walnut Grove, BC, Canada. The earliest records of Muslims in the area date back to the mid-19th century, when a small group of traders from the Middle East settled in the area. Over the years, more and more Muslims moved to the area, and the community grew steadily.

Today, Walnut Grove is home to a vibrant and diverse Muslim community, with a population estimated to be in the thousands. This community is composed of both immigrants and native-born residents, and is an integral part of the city’s culture and identity. The city is home to several mosques, which serve as important religious and cultural centers for the city’s Muslim population.


What time is Fajr today in Walnut Grove, BC?

Fajr is at 03:57 am today

When is Shuruq today in Walnut Grove, BC?

Shuruq starts at 05:45 am today

When does Dhuhr start today?

Dhuhr is at 01:07 pm

What about Asr Salat in Walnut Grove, BC today?

Asr today starts at 05:09 pm

What time is Maghrib prayer?

Maghrib in Walnut Grove, BC is at 08:30 pm

What is the Salah time for Isha today?

Isha Salah in Walnut Grove, BC is at 10:19 pm today

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