Islamic Prayer Times in Currie, United Kingdom

Today: May 12, 2024, 1:45 pm
Calculation Method: Muslim World League, Juristic settings: Shafii
Fajr 01:10 am Dawn 05:06 am Morning Sunrise Shuruk Dhuhr 01:10 pm Noon Asr 05:26 pm Afternoon Maghrib 09:14 pm Evening Sunset Isha 01:10 am Night

Islamic Prayer Times in Currie, United Kingdom

Today: May 12, 2024, 1:45 pm
Calculation Method: Muslim World League, Juristic settings: Shafii
Fajr 01:10 am Dawn Shuruk 05:06 am Morning Sunrise Dhuhr 01:10 pm Noon Asr 05:26 pm Afternoon Maghrib 09:14 pm Evening Sunset Isha 01:10 am Night
Home / United Kingdom / Currie

If you're a devoted muslim and always try to perform your Namaz at the right time of the day - you've come to the right place. Our portal is devoted to help muslims around the world to navigate the modern lifestyle, practice islam effectively and perform Salat at the right time no matter the location. On this page you will find accurate Salah time in Currie, United Kingdom for each day of the month. We calculate the prayer times according to the position of the sun in the sky and by taking into these Currie, United Kingdom coordinates (55.896, -3.3074).

Namaz times for Currie

Date FAJR Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
May 1 02:04 am 05:29 am 01:10 pm 05:18 pm 08:53 pm 11:56 pm
May 2 01:53 am 05:26 am 01:10 pm 05:18 pm 08:55 pm 12:02 am
May 3 01:40 am 05:24 am 01:10 pm 05:19 pm 08:57 pm 12:09 am
May 4 01:10 am 05:22 am 01:10 pm 05:20 pm 08:59 pm 12:18 am
May 5 01:10 am 05:20 am 01:10 pm 05:21 pm 09:01 pm 12:27 am
May 6 01:10 am 05:18 am 01:10 pm 05:22 pm 09:03 pm 12:40 am
May 7 01:10 am 05:16 am 01:10 pm 05:23 pm 09:05 pm 01:06 am
May 8 01:10 am 05:14 am 01:10 pm 05:23 pm 09:07 pm 01:10 am
May 9 01:10 am 05:12 am 01:10 pm 05:24 pm 09:09 pm 01:10 am
May 10 01:10 am 05:10 am 01:10 pm 05:25 pm 09:11 pm 01:10 am
May 11 01:10 am 05:08 am 01:10 pm 05:26 pm 09:13 pm 01:10 am
May 12 01:10 am 05:06 am 01:10 pm 05:26 pm 09:14 pm 01:10 am
May 13 01:10 am 05:04 am 01:10 pm 05:27 pm 09:16 pm 01:10 am
May 14 01:10 am 05:02 am 01:10 pm 05:28 pm 09:18 pm 01:10 am
May 15 01:10 am 05:00 am 01:10 pm 05:29 pm 09:20 pm 01:10 am
May 16 01:10 am 04:58 am 01:10 pm 05:29 pm 09:22 pm 01:10 am
May 17 01:10 am 04:56 am 01:10 pm 05:30 pm 09:24 pm 01:10 am
May 18 01:10 am 04:55 am 01:10 pm 05:31 pm 09:26 pm 01:10 am
May 19 01:10 am 04:53 am 01:10 pm 05:32 pm 09:27 pm 01:10 am
May 20 01:10 am 04:51 am 01:10 pm 05:32 pm 09:29 pm 01:10 am
May 21 01:10 am 04:50 am 01:10 pm 05:33 pm 09:31 pm 01:10 am
May 22 01:10 am 04:48 am 01:10 pm 05:34 pm 09:32 pm 01:10 am
May 23 01:10 am 04:47 am 01:10 pm 05:34 pm 09:34 pm 01:10 am
May 24 01:11 am 04:45 am 01:10 pm 05:35 pm 09:36 pm 01:11 am
May 25 01:11 am 04:44 am 01:10 pm 05:36 pm 09:37 pm 01:11 am
May 26 01:11 am 04:43 am 01:10 pm 05:36 pm 09:39 pm 01:11 am
May 27 01:11 am 04:41 am 01:10 pm 05:37 pm 09:40 pm 01:11 am
May 28 01:11 am 04:40 am 01:11 pm 05:37 pm 09:42 pm 01:11 am
May 29 01:11 am 04:39 am 01:11 pm 05:38 pm 09:43 pm 01:11 am
May 30 01:11 am 04:38 am 01:11 pm 05:39 pm 09:45 pm 01:11 am
May 31 01:11 am 04:36 am 01:11 pm 05:39 pm 09:46 pm 01:11 am

A Short History of Islam in Currie, United Kingdom

Islam is a relatively new religion in the United Kingdom, having only been introduced to the region in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. However, its presence in Currie, United Kingdom can be traced back even further, to the early 19th century. The earliest records of Muslims in Currie date back to the early 1800s, when small numbers of Indian sailors and traders began to arrive in the area. The vast majority of these immigrants were Sunni Muslims, who were mainly from the Indian subcontinent.

During the early 20th century, the number of Muslims in Currie began to steadily increase. Many of these immigrants came from the Middle East, particularly from Iraq and Syria. These immigrants tended to be Shia Muslims, and they mainly settled in the East End of London. However, Currie also saw an influx of these new immigrants, and the Muslim population of the city began to grow.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Currie saw a further influx of Muslim immigrants, mostly from Pakistan and Bangladesh. This influx of immigrants was driven mainly by economic factors, as well as cultural and religious ones. As the number of Muslim immigrants increased, so too did the number of mosques and Islamic centres in the city. By the 1980s, there were a number of mosques in Currie, and the Muslim population of the city was steadily increasing.

Today, Islam is one of the major religions in Currie, and the city is home to a diverse Muslim community. The city boasts a number of mosques, Islamic centres, and other religious institutions, and the local Muslim population is estimated to be around 10,000 people. The Muslim community in Currie is a dynamic and vibrant one, and it continues to grow and flourish.

What is the approximate population of Muslims in Currie, United Kingdom?

The estimated population of Muslims in Currie, United Kingdom is around 10,000 people. This number is based on census data from the Office of National Statistics. The city is home to a diverse range of Muslim communities, including people from the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, and South Asia.

When have the first Muslims moved to Currie, United Kingdom?

The first Muslims to move to Currie, United Kingdom, can be traced back to the early 19th century. At this time, small numbers of Indian sailors and traders began to arrive in the area, and the vast majority of these immigrants were Sunni Muslims, mainly from the Indian subcontinent. During the early 20th century, the number of Muslims in Currie continued to steadily increase, as people from the Middle East, particularly Iraq and Syria, began to move to the city.

What are the current demographics of Muslims in Currie, United Kingdom?

The Muslim population of Currie, United Kingdom, is made up of people from a wide range of backgrounds. The majority of the population is from the Indian subcontinent, with a significant number of people coming from the Middle East, particularly Iraq and Syria. There is also a sizeable population of people from South Asia, particularly Pakistan and Bangladesh. Additionally, there are a number of people from other parts of the world, including Africa, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia.

Which is more prominent in Currie, United Kingdom – Shia or Sunni Islam?

Sunni Islam is more prominent in Currie, United Kingdom. The majority of the Muslim population of the city is Sunni, with a significant number of people coming from the Indian subcontinent. There is also a sizeable Shia population in the city, mostly made up of immigrants from the Middle East, particularly Iraq and Syria.

What are the main mosques in Currie, United Kingdom?

Currie, United Kingdom, is home to a number of mosques and Islamic centres. The largest and most prominent of these is the Currie Central Mosque, which is located in the city centre. This mosque was established in the late 1970s, and it is one of the largest mosques in the region. Other prominent mosques in the city include the Al-Huda Mosque, the Currie Islamic Centre, and the Masjid al-Furqan. All of these mosques are active and vibrant places of worship, and they provide a place for the local Muslim community to pray, connect, and learn.


Islam is a relatively new religion in the United Kingdom, having only been introduced to the region in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. However, its presence in Currie, United Kingdom can be traced back even further, to the early 19th century. Today, the estimated population of Muslims in Currie is around 10,000 people, and the city is home to a number of mosques and Islamic centres. The majority of the Muslim population is Sunni, with a significant number of Shia Muslims coming from the Middle East. Currie is a vibrant and dynamic city, and its Muslim community continues to grow and flourish.


What time is Fajr today in Currie?

Fajr is at 01:10 am today

When is Shuruq today in Currie?

Shuruq starts at 05:06 am today

When does Dhuhr start today?

Dhuhr is at 01:10 pm

What about Asr Salat in Currie today?

Asr today starts at 05:26 pm

What time is Maghrib prayer?

Maghrib in Currie is at 09:14 pm

What is the Salah time for Isha today?

Isha Salah in Currie is at 01:10 am today

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